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Thursday, March 29, 2012

popup in liferay

To implement popup on popup in liferay is quite simple. We need to have 2 pages one parent page on which 1st popup is already opened and 2nd page which will be opened in 2nd popup.For 1st page call:function parentPage(url) {var popup = Liferay.Popup({stack: true,draggable:false,title: 'Parent Page',position:[110,50],modal:true,width:450,height:365,url:url});}here stack:true property is important which is responsible for pop on popup.url is which page we want to load . It can be portlet url. Other parameters are self explanatory.In...

popup in liferay

To implement popup on popup in liferay is quite simple. We need to have 2 pages one parent page on which 1st popup is already opened and 2nd page which will be opened in 2nd popup.For 1st page call:function parentPage(url) {var popup = Liferay.Popup({stack: true,draggable:false,title: 'Parent Page',position:[110,50],modal:true,width:450,height:365,url:url});}here stack:true property is important which is responsible for pop on popup.url is which page we want to load . It can be portlet url. Other parameters are self explanatory.In...

Hiding portlet in liferay

Simple Approach:It is very difficult to hide or show portlet at user level. To get rid of these type of problem liferay provide us Roles. So we can create roles and on those roles we can easily assign permission on each portlet.Creating role in liferay is very simple.Just login as Admin and using dock navigate to control panel , click on Role from left panel and then click Add...for more details refer portal administration guide from liferay.Once this is done click on define permission and select portlet permission.e.g. Suppose you want to remove...

Hiding portlet in liferay

Simple Approach:It is very difficult to hide or show portlet at user level. To get rid of these type of problem liferay provide us Roles. So we can create roles and on those roles we can easily assign permission on each portlet.Creating role in liferay is very simple.Just login as Admin and using dock navigate to control panel , click on Role from left panel and then click Add...for more details refer portal administration guide from liferay.Once this is done click on define permission and select portlet permission.e.g. Suppose you want to remove...

Reading tempelates in liferay

Brief Overview:If we see in existing liferay source code then we can find the email tempelates regarding create account and forgot password in com/liferay/portlet/admin/dependencies/ and they are read from there.In 1 case I can tell you from UserLocalServiceImpl and corresponding entry for each tempelate is there Enough theory time to do your self:1.Just create a folder in ext-impl may be u can choose this path ext-impl\src\com\mytempelate2.Write a simple tempelate eg:Dear [$TO_NAME$],<br /><br...

CK editor in Liferay 6.0

Follow these 4 simple steps.Step 1.Add below line on your page<liferay-ui:input-editor width="80%" />.Step 2.Create hidden variable to set the value of CK editor like below<aui:input name="content" type="hidden" />Step 3.Add javascript init method like this<aui:script>function <portlet:namespace />initEditor() {return "<%= UnicodeFormatter.toString(content) %>";}</aui:script>Step 4:On submiting form we can assign CK editor value like thisfunction <portlet:namespace />saveEntry() {var message = window.<portlet:namespace...

Apply Color Schemes in Liferay Theme

Apply Color Schemes in Our ThemeThe technique documented here creates a "color scheme" that has the borders turned off, but preserves the other attributes of the theme, and does so with a single CSS source set (allowing for easier maintenance). It uses a CSS design pattern known as "CSS sub-class selectors." Note that this technique can be used for more than just borders. It can be used when you have several very small variations on a single theme, and you want to keep all of those variations in a single source file. Step1. import the color...

Enable OpenOffice in liferay

To enable document conversion in the Document Library portlet, follow the instructions bellow:For Windows user1)      Install v2.0.3 or higher (has been tested on many versions, include 3.2).2)      Go to the folder where it was installed (for example, C:\Program Files\\program) and start OpenOffice service with the following command:soffice -headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizardFor Linux user1)     ...

Liferay’s Web Content Management

Liferay’s Web Content Management (WCM) is a system which allows non-technical users to publish content to the Web without having advanced knowledge of Web technology or programming of any sort. Liferay Content Management System (CMS) empowers you to publish your content with a simple point-andclick interface, and it helps you to keep your site fresh.You can use WCM to author both structured and unstructured content. Unstructured content is authored using an HTML-based WYSIWYG editor. Structured content is authored and displayed by combining Web...

Portal Architectur

        In the illustration below, each arrow may be read using the words “can be a member of.” It is important to note that the diagram illustrates only users and their collections. Permissions ` do not flow through all of these collections; permissions can be assigned to roles only. The following concepts...

liferay portal quick start guide

Liferay Basics

Liferay is a portal server. This means that it is designed to be a single environment where all of the required applications (represented by individual portlets) can run, and these applications are integrated together in a consistent and systematic w...

Download Liferay Bundle

What is the Liferay bundle

The Liferay Bundle is Liferay Portal pre-deployed and pre-configured on an application server. You simply download, unpack, and run. No configuration necessary, other than having Java runtime installed on your machine. It comes in many different varieties. The most common is the Tomcat bundle. As of Liferay 5.1.1, these are the bundles available: ·         Geronimo+Tomcat·         Glassfish 3·         Glassfish 2...

Liferay Portal Architecture

Before we dive into the user interface for adding and maintaining various portal resources, we should survey the concepts Liferay uses to organize a portal. Portals are accessed by users. Users can be collected into user groups. Users can belong to organizations. Organizations can be grouped into hierarchies, such as Home Office → Regional Office → Satellite Office. Sites can be created independently or can be attached to users or organizations. Within sites, users can belong to teams, which are groupings of users for specific functions within...

Tricks for Debugging Liferay

  Here are a few tricks that I have come across that have proven to be pretty useful.1. Monitoring Memory and CPU usageThis is pretty basic and is quite helpful in performance tests.  Monitoring these aspects will help determine if a system is memory-bound or CPU-bound.  For the memory bit, Sun provides a nice set of tools called jvmstat to watch how...

Liferay Logging System

Liferay uses Log4j extensively to implement logging for nearly every class in the portal. If you need to debug something specific while the system is running, you can use the control panel to set logging levels by class dynamically.To view the log levels, go to the control panel, click Server Administration in the Server section, and then click the Log Levels tab.A paginated...

Liferay Blogs Portlet

Configure email notification blogs.rss.abstract.length=200Set...

Liferay Shopping Portlet

Set this to true if cart quantities must be a multiple of the item's minimum this to true to forward to the cart page when adding an item from the category page. The item must not have dynamic fields. All items with dynamic fields will forward to the item's details page regardless of the following this to true to show special items when browsing a this to true to show availability when viewing...

Captcha in Liferay

Set the maximum number of captcha checks per portlet session. Set this value to 0 to always check. Set this value to a number less than 0 to never check. Unauthenticated users will always be checked on every request if captcha checks is enabled.captcha.max.challenges=1Set whether or not to use captcha checks for the following actions.captcha.check.portal.create_account=truecaptcha.check.portal.send_password=truecaptcha.check.portlet.message_boards.edit_category=falsecaptcha.check.portlet.message_boards.edit_message=falseSet the engine used...

Facebook integration in Liferay

Facebook is currently the number one social network in the world with somewhere in the neighborhood of 750 million active users. If you're trying to build a community on your portal, you don't want to neglect a bridge to nearly a billion possible users. With that in mind, Liferay provides a few easy ways that you can integrate your portal with Facebook.Facebook sign onLike many web sites that you may visit, any portal running on Liferay can be set up to use Facebook for sign in. This makes it easier for users to sign in to your site, since they...

Installing the social portlets

The social portlets are all included with the Liferay Community Edition distribution, but need to be installed separately for Enterprise Edition. If you're using Liferay Enterprise Edition, or had previously removed the social portlets from Community Edition, you can use Liferay's plugin installer to easily add social features to your portal.If you're logged in as an adminstrator, go to the control panel, and in the Server section, click on Plugins Installation. From here, click on Install More Portlets and search for Social Networking. Once the...

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