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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Freshers Opening Artech Info System Bangalore

Freshers Opening Artech Infosystem BE BETECH MCA BCA 2014 2015 65% through out About Artech Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Artech Infosystems Pvt Ltd (Artech India), formerly known as Softek Pvt Ltd, is a 31-year-old, ISO 9001:2008 & ISMS 27001:2005 certified IT company with its core competencies in the areas of Software Products, Turnkey Project Management, IT...

IITs Going Back to Single Entrance Exam

IITs Mulling Going Back to Single Entrance Test FormatIITs are considering going back to the old system of a single entrance test for selecting candidates as the existing two-tier format proved "cumbersome" and "time consuming". The two-tier format was introduced in 2012 by the then HRD Minister Kapil Sibal under an initiative to overhaul the examination system. The JEE...

To Do Things For Successful Leaders

Being successful as a leader can be hard. As demands on leaders increase, there is less time to focus on making the changes you need to make to do the job successfully. It’s a significant challenge to overcome because as more is expected of you, you find you have less time for development, and yet, improving your leadership skills is more important than ever.You have to learn...

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