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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Indians are great

Business says. . .27 September 2011An Indian man walks into the New York City bankand asks for the loan officer. He tells the Loan Officer that he was going to Indiafor some business for 2 weeks and needs toborrow $5,000. The Loan Officer tells him that the bank will needSome form of security for the loan. So the Indian man hands over the keys and thedocuments of the new Ferrari car parked on thestreet in front of the bank. The loan officer consults the president of the bank,Produces all the required items and everythingcheck out to...

Husband and Wife Jokes

Husband & Wife – Jokes  Husband: You know, wife, our son got his brain from me. Wife: I think he did , I still got mine with me! *************** Man: Officer! There’s a bomb in my garden! Officer: Don’t worry. If no one claims it Within three days, you can keep it. *************** Father: Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything! Son: That’s why I say she’s no good! &nbs...

Php Opening

Manhattan- Very Cutting Edge firm looking for Junior/Senior PHP/JS Web Developers. Excellent compensation/Benefits Junior/Senior Engineer to help build a next-generation transactional system on top of our existing RESTful API services. Excellent JAVASCRIPT skills needed. Junior Requirements: • 1+ years experience writing production-level code on the client-side HTML, CSS, JS. • Experience using a scripting language on the server-side. • Comfortable...

New Generation Alphabets Abbreviation

Funny Alphabets Abbreviation Collections New Generation Alphabets Abbreviati...

What Is Sunnah

The Sunnah is the ways, teachings and activities of Prophet Muhammed (SAW). Muslims should emulate the sunnah of the Prophet to be good Musli...

Diet Tips

"Calories do count, and our underestimation of the amount we eat and the overestimation of the amount we burn is one of the fundamental reasons that recreational runners need a diet especially for them."...


 10 WAYS TO GIVE UP SMOKING Giving up smoking is not an easy task but you can up your chances of stopping smoking successfully with a little forward planning and support. Here are our 10 essential tips to help you become a ‘non-smoker’. Pick a target date It helps to have a target date in mind for when you’re planning to quit. Choose a date — for example a month from now — and stick to it. Although some people can quit by cutting down over time, the best way is give up completely in one stroke. Make sure the day you choose is...


Step by Step – Cheque Printing IDBI Bank I spent considerable time in using my computer and printer to print cheques. We need to use large number of cheques for borrowing loan we need it. I decided to put it online to save time for me and others. Set paper size to custom and the size 9.4 cm x 20.4 cm, Orientation – Landscape, Margins – Narrow (1.27 cm all 4 sides) Font I selected is – Calibri 11 (Any arial font would do)  (My cheque had pre-printed squares where the numbers need to sit properly in ddmmyyyy...

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