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Monday, May 23, 2011


When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her… THAT’S TRUST ...


Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up…                                                     THAT’S HOPE ...

From Gandhi-ism to Software-ism!- Indian Scenario – Very Funny

Gandhism:You have two cows. But you drink goat’s milk.Indiraism:You have two bulls. You adamantly consider them as cows.Lalooism:You have two cows. You buy Rs. 900 Crore worth of cattlefeed for them.Rajnikantism:You have two cows. You throw them into air and catch their milk in your mouth.Rajivism:You have two cows. You paint them both to get colourful milk.———————- Softwarism: Client has 2 cows and u need to milk them 1 . First prepare a document when to milk them (Project kick off)2 . Prepare a document how long you have to milk them (Project...

The Funny Family Names

Boy: My father’s name is laughing and my mother’s name is smiling. Girl: Really? You must be kidding!! Boy: no, no, thats my brother. I am joking Girl: Haa haa haa The Funny Family Names ...

Can we put multiple catch blocks in a single try statement

How to use multiple catch blocks in a single try statementYes. Multiple catch blocks may be put in a try block. See code example below, to see multiple catch blocks being used in C#.  class ClassA { public static void Main() { int y = 0; try { val = 100/y; Console.WriteLine("Line not executed"); } catch(DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException" ); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WritLine("Some Exception" ); } finally { Console.WriteLine("This Finally Line gets executed always"); } Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}",val); } }...

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