My Linux Stuff - Complete Blog For Linux Articles

My Linux Stuff - Complete Blog For Linux Articles

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Earn Money in Online

Earn upto Rs. 9,000 pm checking Emails. Join n...

Calling for fresher referrals - CGI India

Freshers referrals @ CGI. Kindly forward it to your friends who are in need. And circulate this.  You can send the profiles directly to my Email id:   Emp ID: 092231 Name: Madhankumar Velayutham Get us more people, like yourself Dear Members: Who says it’s an engineer's prerogative to lap up the dream jobs?  In today's competitive world, there is scope to do lots more. The IT Services provides a wide array of specialized jobs in areas like Remote Infrastructure Management,...

[Freshers] Oracle off campus drive for 2010 freshers

Inviting Freshers of the class of 2010 to register with us for a LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY to work at our Mumbai / Pune /Bangalore / Chennai  Centers provided they meet ALL of the below criteria -Education: Engineering ( CS / CE / IT / EE / ECE / EIE / Mechanical)/MCA Year of passing: 2010 (at first attempt) Additional criteria: 1. Class X 60% and above 2. Class XII 60% and above 3. Undergraduate Degree 55% and above (applicable to MCA students only) 4. Engineering / MCA with FIRST CLASS.  5....

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