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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Scholarship for Muslim Students

Scholarship for Muslim Students Here is a list of Websites (of various Organizations) having information about various Scholarships for Muslim Minority Students in India.This is not necessary that they only provide Scholarships to Muslim students only. Some of them provide Scholarships to other students also. Government Scholarships for Muslim Students:Government of India: Bengal: Pradesh: Pondicherry: Orissa:

BEL invites Graduate Engineers as Probationary Engineers April-2011

BHARAT ELECTRONICS LIMITED (BEL) (A Govt. of India Enterprise)Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratana company and India’s premier professional electronics company requires Graduate Engineers :     Graduate Engineers as Probationary Engineers : 150 posts (Electronics-80, Mechanical-30, Computer Science-40), Qualification...

Get your Free Oracle Magazine Now, Limited copies available

  Exclusive Offer From Oracle For Job Seekers Don't Miss This Offer Oracle is one of the biggest and largest multinational company, many companies use this Oracle product. Oracle has a number of branches in world wide. In India many companies recruits nearly 2,00,000 people per year for Oracle. It is publishing  a new  free magazine for...

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