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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Store Procedure For Forgot Password

USE [ITS_Trainees] GO /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[VendorForgotPassword]    Script Date: 02/01/2011 15:16:50 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[VendorForgotPassword] ( @UserName As nvarchar(50) ) AS Begin      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hbnVendorReg WHERE...

Our Believe


Intelligent Person


Hadith For All Muslim Sister


Hadith About Mother



Weekly Hadith Program by Mufti Ebrahim Desai Shab Sayyiduna Abu Usayd and Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattaab [Radhiallaahu anhuma] report that Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said, 'Eat olives and apply its oil (to your hair) for verily it is of a blessed tree.' (Musnad Ahmad Hadith15999, 16000; Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith1851, 1852). Commentry Sayyidatuna Aaisha [Radhiallahu anha] reports that Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] used to pour the oil on his left palm and using his right hand, he would first apply some oil on his eyebrows,then...

Nice Hadith



GET YOUR MATE WHO IS TECHNICALLY FIT, CULTURALLY FIT &FIT TO BE A SONATIAN!! Request your REFERRAL SUPPORT for a WALK-IN EVENTDate : 05th February, 2011Time : 09.30 AM to 01.00 PM The event for Java requirements would be held at Sonata RMR, Bangalore and Sonata Hyderabad and the event for the .Net requirements would be held only...

subhanallah!! Allahu Akbar!

85 Year old American-Scottish reverts to Islam, Why?85 year old New Muslim with Yusuf Estes

Opera 11.01 is a security and stability upgrade

Opera 11.01 is a security and stability upgrade Opera recommends all users to upgrade to Opera 11.01 to take advantage of these improvements. Please visit the Opera desktop changelogs if you want more information on the update. New features in Opera 11 Extensions allow you to add new functionality to Opera easily. Tab stacking helps you keep your tabs organized. Pinned...

How to unlock PDF files

  Certain PDF files (like bank statements, credit card bills and phone bills) are not only password protected, but also locked to prevent any changes.  You may have the password to open the file, but you can't modify the PDF or open it in an editor. To unlock these PDF files, just go to and upload the file.If it is password protected,...

Facebook boosts security, adds HTTPS

                                                     Facebook's decision to make full-session encryption a default setting for all users will remove the burden from those that are less aware of Wi-Fi hackers Read more: Facebook boosts...

IBM to offer $1,000 stock bounus to India staff

IBM to offer $1,000 stock to India staff Read more: IBM to offer $1,000 stock bounus to India staff - The Times of India Coming out of recession, nearly 100,000 IBM India employees are set to...

Android beats Nokia's Symbian

  Google's Android dethroned Nokia's Symbian as the most popular smartphone OS in the last quarter of 2010 HELSINKI: Google's Android dethroned Nokia's Symbian as the most popular smartphone platform in the last quarter of 2010, ending a reign that began with the birth of the industry 10 years ago.Research...

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