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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


IIT Gandhinagar, CIT to develop earthquake warning system AHMEDABAD: Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IIT-GN) have undertaken a project to develop a 'slight early' earthquake warning system.The institute has teamed up with California Institute of Technology (CIT), Pasadena, USA, to develop a system having dense network of low-cost motion sensors capable of sensing earthquake's early seismic activity."The goal of our project is to put in place a network of small devices called accelerometers...

iPhone 5

Apple set to unveil iPhone 5 SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc looks set to unveil a new iPhone after a 15-month hiatus, hoping to fend off hard-charging rivals running Google Inc's Android and safeguard its lead with the fifth incarnation of the iconic device.Newly appointed CEO Tim Cook will do the honors this time from Apple's headquarters, running the first major product launch in years without impresario Steve Jobs as he tries to take Apple to still-loftier heights.The iPhone 5 -- expected...

Cities are the major polluters

Cities have become major contributors of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants responsible for climate change. Speaking on the theme ‘Cities and Climate Change’ on Monday, Urban Designer and Planner and adjunct faculty at RV School of Architecture Brinda Sastry said it was imperative to concentrate on making cities resilient. Incidently, it is also the theme...

Page Load Alert Box

Page Load Alert Box using  javascript <html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- function CONFIRM(){if (!confirm ("Change this to your message")) history.go(-1);return " "} document.writeln(CONFIRM()) <!-- END --> </SCRIPT> </head> <body></body> </html&g...

Benefits of Warming Up

Research has it that warming up before exercising can lead to a safer as well as effective exercise routine. Even thought the study is still going on, determining what is the best warming up, in general to warm up is an accepted method to avoid injuries in the muscles or joints. • It increases blood movements through the tissues, thus, make your muscles supple. • There is an increased delivery of oxygen as well as nutrients in your body muscles, by the increased blood flow. • It is preparing the muscles for a stretching. • It will prepare the...

Tips To Save Plastics Covers or Bags

1.Dont ask carry Bag from Shop owners..U should carry 1 cloth Bag before going 2 shopping .... 2.even though if we carry paper bags it is also like destroying the environment because paper is made from wood so it is better to carry a recyclable bag where ever we go 3.We have to take cotton bag or cloth ba...

Ernst &Young Walk-ins

 Ernst &Young Bangalore Walk-ins: from 3-7 October 2011 for Graduates/post-graduates (B.A/B.Sc/BCA/BHM/MA/M.Sc) 0-3 Years exp Hi all,We are organizing walk-ins for the following vacancies *on 3, 4, 5 and 7October 2011 *between *10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.*at *RMZ* *Infinity*:*Associate - EMS*Graduates/post-graduates (B.A/B.Sc/BCA/BHM/MA/M.Sc) with:- 0-3 years of work experience in ITES (Freshers may also apply)- Excellent communication skills (written and spoken)- Working knowledge of MS Excel/Word- Good analytical skills- The ability...

The Benefits of Cycling:

Cycling in a regular manner will give healthy benefits to many organs or systems of our body: 1. The circulatory and cardiovascular system – our heart is beating fast in order to pump blood in our body quickly, to supply oxygen to our muscles, it allows them to work properly. Our heart is pumping about 4 liters of blood in one minute, at rest. Our heart is also a muscle, if you exercise like cycling; our heart gets stronger and bigger like our biceps. A person who is taking part in a regular exercise activity can lower their risk...

Google Annversiy

The search engine giant and one of the best known brands on the internet, Google has just turned 13 today. Google is celebrating its birthday by dedicating itself a Google birthday Doodle, marking the 13th anniversary of awesomene...

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