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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TCS Freshers opening

*To Apply online:**

HCL Freshers opening

*(Freshers) Off-Campus : 2011 Passout @ Multiple Locations*Dear HCLite,At HCL, it has always been our aim to recruit the crème-de-la-crème fromacross campuses in the country. And we believe that as an important memberof this organization, you can help us achieve that aim. We are giving you anexclusive opportunity to introduce your friends to the many opportunitiesthat are available at HCL and usher them to success.We are currently looking for dynamic, young graduates with a desire toexcel, and need your help in finding and bringing in the best!...

Cognizant Technology Solutions(CTS) Freshers opening

*To Apply online:* Open only to the students with following degrees- Category 1: BE / B Tech / ME / M Tech / MCA / M Sc (Computer Science /IT / Software Engg)- Category 2: B Sc / BCA / M Sc (except Computer Science / IT /Software Engg)1. Year of graduation: 2011 batch only2. Consistent First Class (over 60%) in X, XII, UG and PG (if applicable)3. No outstanding arrears4. Candidates with degrees through correspondence/ part-time courses arenot eligible to apply5. Good interpersonal,...

"Honeywell" Recruiting: Freshers Through Employee Referral

Company        Honeywell Website Eligibility        B.E / B.TechExperience     Freshers (2011) Location         Across India (All Honeywell locations) Honeywell Candiates Should Have: Candiates should be B.E / B.Tech, 2011 passed out from CSE, IT, ECE, EEEAn aggregate of 70% and aboveConsistently good track record in 10th, 12th and...

(FRESHERS)"Lenvica" Recruiting: Junior Engineers & Software Support Executive

Company        Lenvica Website Eligibility        BE / B Tech / MCA / B.Com., B. A., B.Sc./DiplomaExperience     Freshers Location         Bangalore,Kochi Lenvica Job Role: Junior Engineers & Software Support Executive Freshers Candiate Should Have: 1.For The Post: Junior Engineers (JE2011)Eligibility: BE / B Tech / MCA with an overall...

"India airforce" Conducting: Walk-in For Freshers at Bangalore

Company        India airforce Website Eligibility        Check DetailsExperience     Freshers Location         Bangalore India airforce Walkin On 1st October 2011,Time: 8.00 am to 11.00 am Walkin Address:HKBK College of Engineering,22/1,Nagawara Bangalore - 560045 Click here to download the application  CLICK HERE...

Husband & Wife Joke

 A married couple always enjoyed their weekends on long drives to the countryside. And it was the husband who always drove the car. One particular weekend the husband was in a nifty mood. So he said to his wife “ok dear, imagine that I am having a heart attack & I cannot drive the car back to home. So you drive the car today, as it will prepare you for any emergency in future.” Initially the the wife was taken aback, but then grudgingly drove the car back to home. Later that evening, the wife walked into the living room...

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