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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CCTV Installation in Adyar Chennai

CCTV Installation in Adyar Chennai What is CCTV? Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a system where the circuit in which the video is transmitted is closed and all the elements (camera, display monitors, recording devices) are directly connected. This is unlike broadcast television where any receiver that is correctly tuned can pick up and display or store the signal....

CCTV In Avadi

Cctv Installation in Avadi What is CCTV ? CCTV, Closed Circuit Television  is a TV system that does not broadcast TV signals to public but transmits them over to limited monitor(s). CCTV system usually utilizes CCD video cameras (to produce the video), cable or wireless transmitters/receivers or Internet (to transmit the video), and monitors (to see the video)....

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