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Friday, March 2, 2012

Most Difficult Things to do in the world


If you're using Password1 change it. Now.

SAN FRANCISCO (CNNMoney) -- The number one way hackers get into protected systems isn't through a fancy technical exploit. It's by guessing the password. That's not too hard when the most common password used on business systems is "Password1." There's a technical reason for Password1's popularity: It's got an upper-case letter, a number and nine characters. That...

Windows 8 first impressions

 First impressions of Windows 8, from that Windows Phone-inspired "Metro" user interface to integration of Xbox Live. In one word: "disjointed." (Engadget) * Netflix's (NFLX) contract with Starz expired yesterday, so films like Toy Story 3 andScarface are no longer viewable online. (CNNMoney) * AMD (AMD) is paying almost $334 million for the low-power server maker SeaMicro. (GigaOm) * Video game publisher Blizzard Entertainment is laying off 600 employees...


For the 50 most admired companies overall, FORTUNE's survey asked businesspeople to vote for the companies that they admired most, from any industry. Rank ▾Company 1Apple 2Google 4Coca-Cola 5IBM 6FedEx 7Berkshire Hathaway 8Starbucks 9Procter & Gamble 10Southwest Airlines 11McDonald's 12Johnson & Johnson 13Walt Disney 14BMW 15General Electric 16American Express 17Microsoft 183M 19Caterpillar 20Costco Wholesale 21Nordstrom 22J.P. Morgan Chase 23Singapore Airlines 24Wal-Mart Stores 25Target 26Nike 27Exxon Mobil 28Whole...

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