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Friday, January 7, 2011

Deaf, dumb pilgrim regains senses miraculously!

We've all, I'm sure heard, several accounts from people we know about how patients with severe diseases like cancer were cured miraculously through Zamzam water. If the Almighty wants to cure someone, He definitely can. If we have strong faith and make earnest prayers to the All-Powerful, miracles do happen. This account published in the Saudi Gazette of...

Electronic Pickpocketing

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CANCER KILLER DISCOVERED   This fruit is known as Katu Aatha in  Sri Lanka  -- --Please Circulate     Guyabano, The Sour sop Fruit    The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.Why are we not aware of this? Its because some...

Dont Take Risk Like Him


Nice Picture


Gurram Software Solutions India Pvt Ltd Requiring Fresher and Experience

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Wipro requires FRESH IT Graduates : Walk-in on 8th & 9th Jan 2011

Eligibility   B.Sc., BCA, BA, B.Com., Diploma graduates (Full time courses) with 6 months-2 years IT experience Graduated in the year 2009 or 2010 Experience in Java / Oracle / UNIX / C++ / Testing / .NET Walk-in for Science Graduates of 2011 for WASE B.Sc. (CS/IT/Electronics/Physics/Maths/Statistics)/ BCA/BCM 50% aggregare marks in 10th , 12th 60% aggregate marks...

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