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Friday, April 29, 2011


Company      SrinSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Website Eligibility      B.Arch - Architecture, B.Tech/B.E. - Civil Experience   0 - 1 Years Location       Chennai SrinSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.SrinSoft, an ISO 9001:2008 company, based in the United States, having it's offshore software development unit in Chennai, India, is a provider of IT services, delivering software...

Nice Java script Examples

Visual Studio 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some extremely helpful keyboard shortcut keys for Visual Studio 2008. You probably know most, but some you won't know. For instance, did you know that Ctrl+. is the same as Sift+Alt+F10? Note: Some of the shortcuts won't work in all environment configurations (web, C#, etc). To use, hold down the control key and hit the key combination. Works on the whole document, a specific line, or a selection of code. Go to Definition (F12) Navigate to the definition of the method or variable. Super useful. Find all References (Shift + F12) Update...


1. Go to sleep with Wudhu. 2. Sleep on your right shoulder.3. Fall asleep with the intention to pray fajar.4. Read the Kalima.5. Drift off reading the Ayat-ul-Kursi.6. Read the Durud Sharif 10 times.7. Read Surah Fatiha 4 times.8. Read Surah Ikhlas 3 times.9. Read 4 Qual Surahs10. Do Astaghfar 10 times.11. Forgive everyone before falling asleep.12. Finally, Send this as Sadqa Jariya (everlasting charity).. If someone acts on any of this information, you will benefit too INSHA ALLAH ...

Visual Studio .NET 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts

Class Diagram Num + ClassDiagramExpand Shift+Alt+B EditExpandCollapseBaseTypeList Del EditRemovefromDiagram Shift+Alt+L EditNavigateToLollipop Num - ClassDiagramCollapse DataSet Editor Ins DataInsertColumn Ctrl+L DataColumn Global Ctrl+- ViewNavigateBackward Ctrl+Shift+- ViewNavigateForward Ctrl+. ViewShowSmartTag Ctrl+/ EditGoToFindCombo Ctrl+Shift+1 ViewBrowseNext Ctrl+Shift+2 ViewBrowsePrevious Ctrl+5 DebugLocationToolbar Ctrl+6 DebugLocationToolbar Ctrl+7 DebugLocationToolbar Ctrl+Shift+7 ViewForwardBrowseContext Ctrl+8 DebugLocationToolbar Ctrl+Shift+8 ViewPopBrowseContext Ctrl+9 DebugLocationToolbar Ctrl+A EditSelectAll Ctrl+Shift+A ProjectAddNewItem Shift+Alt+A ProjectAddExistingItem Ctrl+Alt+B DebugBreakpoints Ctrl+B DebugBreakatFunction Alt+Bkspce EditUndo Ctrl+Alt+Break DebugBreakAll Ctrl+Break BuildCancel Ctrl+Alt+C DebugCallStack Shift+Alt+C ProjectAddClass Ctrl+Alt+D DebugDisassembly Shift+Alt+D DataShowDataSources Del EditDelete Shift+Del EditCut Ctrl+Alt+Down...

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